Longneck Lagoon Environmental Education Centre

Telephone02 4573 6323


Stage 2

Longneck Lagoon EEC offers a range of NSW syllabus linked excursions for Stage 2 students.

Excursions for Science and Technology K-6

Excursions for Geography K-6

Stage 2 programs are delivered in groups (preferably class groups) with a maximum group size of 30 students. EEC teaching staff lead all teaching and learning activities. 

Total maximum number of students is 90 per day.

Science & Technology K-6

Living World - Who’s bugging who

This excursion supports students to investigate similarities and differences between the life cycles of living things and understand how environments and living things are interdependent. Students will dipnet, examine animals under microscopes and participate in a Web of Life activity.

Living World

ST2-4LW-S – A student compares features and characteristics of living and non-living things.

Working Scientifically

ST2-1WS-S – A student questions, plans and conducts scientific investigations, collects and summarises data and communicates using scientific representations.

How can we group living things?

What are the similarities and differences between the life cycles of living things?

How are environments and living things interdependent?

Students will:

· dipnet to investigate the variety of living things found within an aquatic environment.

· examine the external features of aquatic insects and amphibians using microscopes. Discuss the life cycles, special adaptations and survival needs of these living things.

· develop an understanding of the interdependence of species by participating in a ‘Web of Life’ activity.

Science and Technology K-6

Earth and Space - Soil and stone 

Students conduct a range of soil tests and investigate soil samples under microscopes. They learn different ways to classify rocks and stones and conduct an experiment to investigate the movement of water through soil. After participating in an erosion experiment, students learn about the impact of erosion at Longneck Lagoon.

Earth and Space

ST2-10ES-S - A student investigates regular changes caused by interactions between the Earth and the Sun, and changes to the Earth’s surface.

Working Scientifically

ST2-1WS-S - A student questions, plans and conducts scientific investigations, collects and summarises data and communicates using scientific representations.

How do natural processes and human actions change the Earth’s surface over time?

Students will:

· investigate soil at two sites by conducting a range of soil tests.

· conduct further investigations of soil using microscopes. Identify, classify and describe metamorphic, sedimentary and igneous rocks.

· learn about the impacts of erosion on the landscape by participating in an erosion experiment. Observe examples of erosion at Longneck Lagoon EEC.


The Earth’s environment – environmental explorers

On this excursion, students explore the aquatic environment, conduct fieldwork tests in a bush setting and participate in a Dharug cultural knowledge walk. Students learn about how the environment supports the lives of people and livings things, and how people can use places and environments more sustainably.

The Earth’s Environment

GE2-1 - Examines features and characteristics of places and environments.

GE2-2 - Describes the ways people, places and environments interact.

Geographical Inquiry Skills

GE2-4 - Acquires and communicates geographical information using geographical tools for inquiry.

How does the environment support the lives of people and other living things?

How do different views about the environment influence approaches to sustainability?

How can people use places and environments more sustainably?

Students will:

· complete a cultural knowledge walk to learn about how the land sustained the local Aboriginal people and ways in which Aboriginal people cared for the land.

· investigate a bush site to identify vegetation types and the conditions they need to survive.

· observe an aquatic environment. Dipnetting, examination and identification of the aquatic insects and amphibians that live in these environments.