Sustainability teaching resources
Check out the new Sustainability section of the Department of Education's curriculum website to learn about Environmental and Zoo Education Centres (EZEC) and great sustainability resources, policy and information.
- Sustainability cross-curriculum priority
- Getting started with sustainability in schools
- ABC Education
- Adrift
- Interactive e-books by Field of Mars Environmental Education Centre
- 10 tips for eco-friendly gardening
- Geographical toolkit for schools
- Climate change: vital signs of the planet: images-of-change
- CoastAdapt
Aboriginal education
- Dharawal resources from Coomaditchie United Aboriginal Corporation
- Indigenous weather knowledge
- MGoals | goals for living and learning
Sustainability action
Citizen science
- Australian Citizen Science Association
- School of ants Australia
- ClimateWatch
- Royal Botanic Garden - hollows as homes
- Streamwatch - Australian Museum
- Feather map of Australia project | ANSTO Feather map
- ANSTO plastics project
- Help us understand Sydney's Cockatoos - Australian Museum
- Education | project Noah
- BDRS | home
- Cicadarama
- Frog ID