Longneck Lagoon Environmental Education Centre

Telephone02 4573 6323


Stage 6

Stage 6 programs are delivered in groups (usually class groups) with a maximum group size of 25 students. Centre teaching staff lead all teaching and learning activities.

Total maximum number of students is 75 per day.

A range of resources including depth study lesson scaffolds, student resources and the student work booklet will be emailed to the organising teacher following the booking of an excursion.

A series of instructional videos of fieldwork conducted at Longneck Lagoon EEC have been uploaded to YouTube and the Google Sites listed below for each program.

Year 11 Geography
Earth's natural systems

The geographical fieldwork undertaken during this excursion supports investigations into characteristics of a wetland including atmospheric, hydrological, geomorphic and ecological systems.

Visit the supporting Google Site

This site contains teacher resources and student resources for pre and post fieldwork learning.


Geographical tools utilised may include:

  • Mapping activities
  • Fieldwork
  • Collection of data for graphing
  • Spatial technologies
  • Visual representation




Year 11 Geography
Human-environment interactions

The geographical fieldwork undertaken during this excursion supports the case study of a contemporary hazard – flooding of the Hawkesbury-Nepean Valley with a particular focus on the impact on Longneck Lagoon Environmental Education Centre.

Visit the supporting Google Site

This site contains teacher resources and student resources for pre and post fieldwork learning.


Geographical tools utilised may include:

  • Mapping activities
  • Fieldwork
  • Collection of data for graphing
  • Spatial technologies
  • Visual representation

Year 11 Biology Modules 3 or 4

The fieldwork undertaken during this excursion supports Module 3 (Biological diversity) or Module 4 (Ecosystem dynamics). The excursion enables students to investigate the interrelationships of organisms with their environment and experience a range of fieldwork methodologies. Organising teachers are to select the contextual focus for the excursion from the topics below: 

  • Microbats of Western Sydney

  • Green and Golden Bell Frog.


  • Terrestrial biotic and abiotic factors

  • Aquatic biotic and abiotic factors

  • Vegetation profile

  • Site biodiversity survey

  • Herbivory

  • Human impact

Visit the supporting Google Sites

These sites contain teacher resources and student resources for pre and post fieldwork learning. Instructional videos on terrestrial and aquatic testing are included.

Microbats of Western Sydney 


Green and Golden Bell Frogs 


Year 11 Earth and Environmental Science Module 4

The fieldwork undertaken during this excursion supports Module 4 (Human Impacts). The excursion enables students to investigate how human land use has effected the soil, the impact of introduced species and experience a range of fieldwork methodologies.


  • Characteristics of soil and vegetation
  • Evidence of introduced species
  • Erosion assessment
  • Human impact.

Visit the supporting Google Site

This site contains teacher resources and student resources for pre and post fieldwork learning.
